It pays to be a member of Dundalk District Credit Union!

It pays to be a member of Dundalk District Credit Union!

After reviewing the profitability of the credit union this past year, and setting aside sufficient profits to retained earnings to ensure there is adequate regulatory capital and resources for future growth, the Board approved a distribution of surplus profits to credit union members.

Dundalk District Credit Union is pleased to announce that $250,000 in profits were shared with eligible members in the form of interest rebates, interest bonuses and monthly maintenance fee refunds.  The amount you received was based on a percentage of the total actual interest amounts paid to you, and the total actual interest amounts paid by you in our fiscal year ending August 31st, 2023.  The credit union has also returned the full amount of monthly maintenance fees paid by you in the fiscal year.

Accounts open as of November 3rd, 2023 were eligible for this rebate/bonus which was paid to your account on November 23rd, 2023



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