[1] As evidenced by receipt of Ipsos’ Customer Service Excellence Award, for the fourteenth consecutive year in 2018: https://www.ipsos.com/en-ca/news-polls/ipsos-awards-top-honours-financial-services-excellence-canada
[2] A requirement exists where the word “will” is used throughout this Code.
[3] Make a risk-based decision, based on size, risk profile, and the nature and complexity of its operations, products, and services, and its regulatory obligations.
[4] If issues or circumstances arise.
[5] For example, digitally, orally, in paper format.
[6] For example, Suspicious Transaction Reporting – Tipping off
[7] Consumers are not included in this definition because individuals that have a Deposit Account with the credit union fit the Code’s definition of a Member or Account Holder.
[8] Consumers are not referenced in this section as anyone with a Product or Service at the credit union fits the Code’s definition of a Member or Account Holder.
[9] Sound Commercial Practices Guideline, AMF, (2013 Jun), p. 7, online: https://lautorite.qc.ca/fileadmin/lautorite/reglementation/lignes-directrices-assurance/ligne-directrice-saines-pratiques-commerciales_an.pdf
[10] Such as for closed bond of association credit unions.
[11] Conduct of Insurance Business and Fair Treatment to Customers, Canadian Council of Insurance Regulators, Canadian Insurance Services Regulatory Organizations (2018 Sept), p. 13, online: https://www.ccir-ccrra.org/Documents/View/3450
[12] Sound Commercial Practices, AMF (2013 Jun), p. 10, online: https://lautorite.qc.ca/fileadmin/lautorite/reglementation/lignes-directrices-assurance/ligne-directrice-saines-pratiques-commerciales_an.pdf
[13] The Canadian Code of Advertising Standards, Online: https://adstandards.ca/code/
[14] “Undue Pressure” means any pressure, imposed by a practice or communication, that could be reasonably considered to be excessive or persistent in the circumstances.
[15] The individual must clearly agree to a product or service in writing or verbally before. FCAC, online: https://www.canada.ca/en/financial-consumer-agency/services/rights-responsibilities/rights-negative-option-billing.html.
[16] For example, require an individual to increase their credit score before providing them with a credit card.
[17] Treating Financial Consumers Fairly Guideline, FSCO, online: https://www.fsco.gov.on.ca/en/about/superintendent_guidelines/Pages/fair-treatment-guidelines.aspx
[18] “Unacceptable risk” is to be determined by the credit union. The credit union must ensure that it does not refuse to open an account for reasons set out in section 3.2.3.
[19] “Unacceptable risk” is to be determined by the credit union, subject to subsection 3.2.3.
[20] If the credit union denies a benefit in whole or in part to a member, or increases the cost of the benefit to the member, as a result of information contained in the member’s credit report, the credit union may have to provide written notice to the member of the denial or increase. For example, SK’s Credit Reporting Act (s.20), BC’s Credit Reporting Act (s.13), and ON Consumer Reporting Act (ss.10(7)). This may also be a requirement in other provinces.
[21] Except for closed bond of association credit unions.
[22] Consumers are not included in this section as individual’s that have a Deposit Account with the credit union fit the Code’s definition of a Member or Account Holder.
[23] Credit Union Act, or an equivalent
[24] See FCAC’s Low-cost account guidelines: https://www.canada.ca/en/financial-consumer-agency/services/industry/laws-regulations/low-cost-account-guidelines.html
[25] Consumers are not included in this section because individuals that hold a Deposit Account with the credit union and fit the Code’s definition of a Member or Account Holder.
[26] Method of statement should be in the manner preferred by the Member or Account Holder (e.g., electronic or paper).
[27] Access to Funds Regulations, s. 4, online: https://laws-lois.justice.gc.ca/eng/regulations/SOR-2012-24/page-1.html#h-4
[28] The Access to Funds Regulations (s. 2) say that Access to the first $100 applies “only with respect to paper-based cheques… deposited in Canada that are encoded with magnetic ink to allow for character recognition, are not damaged or mutilated such that they are unreadable by cheque clearing systems, are drawn on an institution’s branch located in Canada and are issued in Canadian dollars”.
[29] Supra, note 42.
[30] Consumers are not included in this section because individuals requesting access to funds would hold a Deposit Account with the credit union and fit the Code’s definition of a Member or Account Holder.
[31] Supra, note 42.
[32] Supra, note. 45.
[33] Reasonable grounds to believe is more than a reasonable suspicion.
[34] FCAC, Cheque hold periods and access to funds: rights and responsibilities, “Exceptions”, online: Reference-34-FC5-36-2013-eng.pdf
[35] Consumers are not included in this section because individuals requesting access to funds would hold a Deposit Account with the credit union and fit the Code’s definition of a Member or Account Holder.
[36] Access to Basic Banking Services Regulations, s. 6, online: https://laws-lois.justice.gc.ca/eng/regulations/sor-2003-184/page-1.html#h-3
[37] In accordance with the credit union’s identification policy, procedure, or process.
[38] Canadian Payments Association, Rule G8: online: https://payments.ca/systems-services/rules-documentation?field_rules_type=1&field_category_type=All&page=3
[39] Supra, note 51.
[40] Supra, note 51.
[41] Section 159(2)(a), online: https://laws-lois.justice.gc.ca/eng/acts/F-11/page-18.html?txthl=government+cheques+cashing+cheque#s-159
[42] In accordance with the credit union’s identification policy, procedure, or process.
[43] Reasonable grounds to believe is more than a reasonable suspicion.
[44] https://www.canada.ca/en/financial-consumer-agency/services/rights-responsibilities/rights-banking/cashing-government-cheque.html
[45] Access to Basic Banking Services Regulations, s. 6, online: https://laws-lois.justice.gc.ca/eng/regulations/sor-2003-184/page-1.html#h-3
[46] Canadian Payments Association, Rule G8: online: https://payments.ca/systems-services/rules-documentation?field_rules_type=1&field_category_type=All&page=3
[47] Language for which “it is reasonable to conclude that an ordinary consumer of the class of persons for whom the document is intended, with average literacy skills and minimal credit experience, could be expected to understand the content, significance, and importance of the document without undue effort, World Bank Group, Good Practices for Financial Consumer Protection (2017), p. 23
[48] Sound Commercial Practices, AMF (2013 Jun), p. 14, online: https://lautorite.qc.ca/fileadmin/lautorite/reglementation/lignes-directrices-assurance/ligne-directrice-saines-pratiques-commerciales_an.pdf
[49] Plain language requirements can be assessed through policy review processes.
[50] For example, Cost of Credit Disclosure Acts (or equivalents).
[51] Sound Commercial Practices, AMF (2013 Jun), p. 14, online: https://lautorite.qc.ca/fileadmin/lautorite/reglementation/lignes-directrices-assurance/ligne-directrice-saines-pratiques-commerciales_an.pdf
[52] FCAC, Report on Best Practices in Financial Consumer Protection, p. 24, “Disclosure and Transparency”, online: https://www.canada.ca/content/dam/fcac-acfc/documents/programs/research-surveys-studies-reports/best-practices-financial-consumer-protection.pdf
[53] This section does not refer to Consumers because after a person has acquired a Product or Service, they fit the Code’s definition of either a Member or Account Holder.
[54] Supra, note 71.
[55] Credit union will determine what a reasonable period of time is given the circumstances, e.g.: the length of time the credit union is aware of the temporary closure in advance – the credit union knows 12 months in advance that the branch will be closing temporarily for renovations, then the credit union may want to follow the permanent branch closure notice requirements.
[56] Credit union will determine what a reasonable period of time is given the circumstances, e.g.: the length of time the credit union is aware of the temporary closure in advance – the credit union knows 12 months in advance that the ATM will be closing temporarily for replacement, then the credit union may want to follow the permanent ATM closure notice requirements.
[57] Both in-person and digitally (e.g. online Account opening).
[58] Regardless of whether in digital or paper form.
[59] For example, materials available for download online.
[60] Such as a provincial Ombudsman service, or Ombudsman for Banking Services and Investments (OBSI): https://www.obsi.ca/en/index.aspx, or ADR Chambers Banking Ombuds Office (ADR): https://bankingombuds.ca/
[61] “Fair” means unbiased, impartial, equitable, timely, and without trying to achieve and unjust advantage against the complainant.
[62] Transparent means the credit union will inform the complainant of the credit union’s complaint handling process and keep the complainant apprised of their complaint status, upon request.